Museum Visits



In connection with the Nelimarkka Museum, there is a small museum shop where you can buy postcards, art publications and small memorabilia from the museum visit.


The summer café Cafe de Nelimarkka is open during the museum’s opening hours in summer. Coffee, snacks and non-alcoholic refreshments are available.

Nelimarkka-pastry and coffee

It is also possible to get cupcakes and coffee from the Nelimarkka Museum during your visit. The museum’s signature pastry is a chocolate cupcake from a local bakery Kultahehku that can be enjoyed at Café de Nelimarkka during ypur visit. Please book your coffee and pastry service in advance!

Nelimarkka cupcake 4 €

Nelimarkka cupcake and coffee 5 €

Further information, reservations and guides: tel. 040 559 8327,


The duration of a guided tour is about 45 minutes and the content is shaped according to the wishes of the group. The guide can tour the entire museum or focus on either a permanent or temporary exhibition, with time split between exhibitions. Please book the tour in advance.

Group of 1-10 people 20€ + entrance fees

Group of 11 or more people 30€ + entrance fees


Spend a nice day with the work team at the Nelimarkka Museum! The team day is planned according to the wishes of the group. The three-hour ensemble includes a tour of the museum and exhibitions, coffee and cupcakes, and a workshop section where the group gets to do their own artwork.

The group can also add another program to the day, which the group pays for separately. For example, a breakfast or lunch at the Nelimarkka Museum or Villa Nelimarkka can be arranged.

Team workshop for 5-15 people: 20€/person, includes entrance, exhibition guidance, Nelimarkka cupcake and coffee, workshop guidance and materials.

Team workshop outside the Nelimarkka Museum: 20 €/person + daily allowance and mileage allowance.